
Othouq Al Nakheel Trading Est./ 8732 Abdallah Bin Masoud street. Al Nasseem Algharbi, Unit No. 4, Riyadh 14234 - 4215, Phone:+966-11-2090063 / Seals representative: Mr. Ranjit, Contact No:+966551216375, Email :

Spare Parts

Replacement motor for Advance Humidity Pump Motor.

Replacement motor for the Ova-easy Advance 190 or 380 egg incubators.

Replacement turning cradle end for octagon 10, 20 or 40 incubators. Complete with turning motor, clutch assembly.

Replacement turning motor for Mini or Maxi egg incubators, Turning Motor with Cog for Mini Advance & EX and Mini II Advance & EX Incubators

Replacement Fan 

Replacement fan for Octagon 20 Eco, Advance and Advance EX egg incubators. Not compatible with the Octagon 40 Eco or Advance nor the Octagon 20/40 DX or older incubator models.

Octagon Advance Humidity Clips.

Advance Humidity Pump House Nipples.

Water Pump Rotor.

Water Filling Hole With Bung.

Long Link for Motorized Cradle End.

Removable Water Evaporation Tray.

These woven paper blocks locate in the water reservoir of the OVA-Easy 380 incubators and allow you to reach higher levels of humidity by increasing the evaporating surface area.

These woven paper blocks locate in the water reservoir of the OVA-Easy 190 incubators and allow you to reach higher levels of humidity by increasing the evaporating surface area.

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